
Empowering Stories from Educators and Students: Discover the Impact of Transformative Learning

What Educators Are Saying

  • “The session provided insight into the classical education system, offering tips on how to interpret the material and analyze our progress. Mr. King also demonstrated communication techniques that can be implemented in our daily lessons to ensure our students are fully engaged and learning.”

  • “The DRIVE acronym was very helpful in preparing my mindset for a new year. I loved it! This is the kind of engaging professional development we need.”

  • “It was great to discuss with colleagues—we all know the issues we’d like to address, but this structured format allowed us to begin thinking about possible solutions.”

What Educators Are Saying

  • “As a first-year teacher, this session was especially great for me. The DRIVE acronym helped me clarify the kind of educator I want to be and how to implement that vision.”

  • “It brought teachers closer together. The first day of school feels the same for everyone, but working together dissipates that stress, allowing our students to get the most out of us.”

  • “Mr. King has a unique way of keeping us engaged in his teaching. He poses challenging questions that help us reflect and become better educators.”

What Educators Are Saying

  • “The presentation was an excellent way for teachers to stay engaged and gain the necessary tools for a successful start to the school year.”

  • “These sessions are helping shape me into a successful educator, providing different perspectives on how we should teach children.”

  • “The presentation today closed many gaps in my understanding of classical education. I learned how I can make a difference in the classroom and school community by applying these practices.”

What Educators Are Saying

  • “The session provided insight into the classical education system, offering tips on how to interpret the material and analyze our progress. Mr. King also demonstrated communication techniques that can be implemented in our daily lessons to ensure our students are fully engaged and learning.”

  • “The DRIVE acronym was very helpful in preparing my mindset for a new year. I loved it! This is the kind of engaging professional development we need.”

  • “It was great to discuss with colleagues—we all know the issues we’d like to address, but this structured format allowed us to begin thinking about possible solutions.”

What Educators Are Saying

  • “Very relevant; it highlighted common issues within our school and encouraged everyone to develop solutions collaboratively.”

  • “This session appealed to my science-centered brain by identifying problems regarding school culture and hypothesizing possible solutions and desired outcomes.”

  • “Today’s session was very productive. It was insightful to hear the problems and solutions discussed as a team.”