A Quarter of a Century: 25 Lessons Life Has Taught Me
Every year, life offers a fresh start—a chance to turn the page and embark on a new chapter. With each chapter comes new goals, dreams, experiences, and insights, along with the evolution of our personal traits and qualities. I am grateful and humbled that on October 12, 2017, I began chapter 25 of my life.
The previous 24 chapters were filled with experiences, trials, tribulations, and heartbreaks, but I promise you, chapter 25 will be memorable. Inspired by a friend who turned thirty recently, I'm eager to share 25 life lessons I've learned on this journey. I welcome your comments, feedback, and stories of your own lessons learned.
Family is Everything: A family is not just an important thing, it's everything.
The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated.
The Power of Listening: Effective communication is 90% listening and 10% talking. Listen to understand, not just to respond.
The 3C’s of Life: Choices, Chances, and Changes. Make a choice to take a chance, or your life will never change.
Compete with Yourself: The only true competition you have is with yourself. “A flower doesn’t compete with the one next to it, it just blossoms.” – Zen Shin
Integrity Matters: Be a person of your word and take responsibility for your actions. “The soul has no secret that the behavior does not reveal…” – Lao Tzu
Words Have Power: “A gentle answer turns away rage, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Choice-Driven Future: Your future is shaped by the choices you make today. Choose happiness, success, love, joy, and peace.
Patience as a Virtue: True patience involves a calm acceptance that things can occur in an order different from what we might have in mind.
Influential Friends: Your success can be influenced by the five closest friends you keep. “Keep company with the wise, and you will become wise. If you make friends with fools, you will be ruined.” – Proverbs 13:20
The Path to Success: Success isn’t a smooth journey; it's a mountain climbed with perseverance. Learn from life’s twists and unexpected turns.
Never Give Up On: Your faith, your dreams, and yourself.
Wisdom in Silence: Be the last to speak. Listen and think before you respond.
The Role of Mentors: “A mentor empowers a person to see a possible future, and believe it can be obtained.” – Shawn Hitchcock
Make a Difference: Don’t just aspire to make a living; aspire to make a difference.
Elevate Standards: Don’t lower your standards for others; inspire them to elevate theirs.
The Gift of Giving: Wherever you go, contribute positively—give advice, time, love, and even a simple smile.
See Opportunities in Challenges: Detach from problems and focus on the opportunities they present.
Worldly Perspectives: The world is vast. Travel and broaden your perspective. “Travel is the education for living.”
Embrace Uniqueness: Celebrate your uniqueness and don’t waste time envying others. Self-love is foundational to strong character.
Learn from Mistakes: “When you know better, do better; not doing better when you know better is a sign of poor character.”
Prioritize Wisely: Keep faith first, family second, and forgiveness always. Forgiveness releases you from the chains of resentment.
Follow Your Passion: Align your actions with your passions to find your purpose. Success will naturally follow.
Financial Wisdom: Save diligently and spend wisely. Avoid debt, as it accumulates faster than one might think.
Gratitude is Key: Be thankful for everything in your life. What you consider trivial might be precious to someone else. “Count your blessings, not your problems.”
Each lesson is a step towards understanding and embracing the complexity and beauty of life. Reflect on these lessons, apply them, and watch as your story unfolds into something even more meaningful.